Pics… I know

I haven’t posted pics in a few weeks. I am SO sorry. I actually think I am going to start doing pics on a 2X a month or once-a-month basis…. What do you think?

Week 25 weigh in

Would you believe it… I was EXACTLY the same as I was last week. 201.2.

I am dealing with a lot of stress right now and my lovely lady hormones are messing around with me, so I am retaining water, breaking out like a teenager and am hunched over in pain from cramps, and it’s NOT even that time of the month. Lucky me… I guess the PCOS is not gone.

Sorry for lack of posting, pics and all that. I suck.

I’ll make up for it soon, I promise. Thank you all for your support. It really means the world to me. OOOOOh, forgot to tell you… I am gonna get stickers and t-shirts made, and I’ll send you a “I Support Fat2FitMama” sticker soon!

Thanks all! ❤ ya

Updated measurements

I updated the Before & After page, but let me share here as well…


Recorded October 3rd, 2009 (starting measurements recorded April 18th, 2009)

Neck: 13″ – started at 14                  Total lost: 1 inch
Chest:  40″ – started at 44               Total lost: 4 inches
Upper Arm: 12.5″ – started at 15    Total lost: 2.5 inches
Fore Arm: 9.25″ – started at 11       Total lost: 1.75 inches
Waist: 36.5″ – started at 43.5          Total lost: 7 inches!
Hips: 46″ – started at 53                   Total lost: 7 inches!
Thigh:  26″ – started at 30                Total lost: 4 inches
Calf: 17″ – started at 18.5                  Total lost: 1.5 inches

As of today, I have lost 39.8 pounds in 24 weeks and 28.75 inches total! Not bad, eh?

Week 24 weigh in

201.2! I am down 3.4 pounds this week! HECK YES, I am BACK in the game!

Thanks to P90X, my new bodybugg digital display, and drinking over a gallon of water every day! Next week I’ll finally be back in ONEderland!

The night before weigh in…

T’was the night before weigh in, and all though the house… I thought I could come up with a cute story to go here, but I’m too tired tonight. I’ll work on it 😉

Well, tomorrow is supposed to be my do-or-die weigh in day. The one where I see a good number and everything is magically better. It’s not going to happen. Not this week.

I didn’t do bad this week… I wish I could say I did, it would justify what’s been going on, but I haven’t, really.

Tonight when I weighed myself before getting on email, I was 207.9. Earlier in the week, I was 209.6… Yeah, I was freaking out. Made THIS video for the YouTube channel.

I took my YT friends’ advice and drank water like crazy today – over 140 ounces to be exact. Plus I walked to and from school with the kids, did lots of housework and ended my night with push-ups and sit-ups.

I think I am going to get checked up on everything next week if the scale does not start showing better numbers. I am going to measure tomorrow to see how the inches are… if I can find my measuring tape!

I am getting pretty frustrated. It was not this hard for those first 20 weeks, why does it have to be so hard now?

Look for a weekly weigh in post tomorrow.

Hello friends and family!

Yes, I have gone public.

For many of you, this is the first time you’re seeing this blog and reading about this journey. It may be shocking to some, exciting to others, and perhaps inspiring.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am happy to share with all of you, and look forward to hearing from more of you in the comments!

I must share with you though, I am nervous. I have never-ever shared my weight with most of you, and surely have not allowed any of you to see the whole picture of my struggle.  This can be very ugly at times.

Take some time to catch up on it all. I started at week 1 or 2 back in April, so it might take you a while. I am of course open to questions, comments and ideas. I am not open to negativity or criticism. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Constructive criticism is okay, but I think you know what I mean.

Thank you for taking time to read this, and I hope you’ll stick around for a while.

Love, Lauren aka Fat2FitMama

Week 22 weigh-in and DIET CHANGES

Well, I am sorry to report this is the worst weigh in I have had in the 22 weeks I have been doing this.

This week I am UP 4.6 pounds. Yep…. I almost gained 5 pounds.

I am so disappointed with myself. I failed in every way I could this past week, and I am so mad.

I could sit here and name off everything, but I’d rather focus on what I am going to do, and the changes I am making.


Starting today, I am back on track. Recording every single bite, every sip, everything. No more Diet Coke. Coffee only 4 times a week (rather than everyday). I am starting MediClear again on Monday to cleanse my body of the crap I have been putting into it, as well as the food I am allergic and sensitive to (dairy and gluten). It lasts 3-4 weeks and is HARDCORE. For one week I will be free of almost all food except fruit and veggies – completely vegan and nearly all raw.

I will also be reducing my calorie intake to 1500 and upping my burn to 3500. This is absolutely necessary to start reaching my goals again… I am 19 pounds behind on my goals as of today, and I need to catch up.

This is my rebirth. This is my second change. This is it.

Since my BodyBugg subscription is expiring in less than a month, as well as my gym membership, I need to do something to change those as well. I am going to renew my BodyBugg sub for another 12 months, but that is $80. I am NOT going to renew my membership with 24 Hour Fitness, however. I have had too many problems with them, and will not give them anymore of my hard-earned money. I would LIKE to join the athletic club by my house, but it’s so expensive, there is no way I can do that until I get my commission check from the part-time marketing job i am doing, and that will not be until February. Anybody feeling generous and want to donate??? Just kidding. Maybe not kidding… hahah!

I will continue to make my YouTube videos and will be journaling t more on here.

That’s all I have for now. I’m sure I will be adding stuff or revising more over the next few days. I’ll also post more specific stuff too, but for now, I need to clean out the pantry. There is a lot of temptations that NEED TO GO.

Will you hold me accountable? Will you call me out when I need it? Can you support my efforts?

Week 21 weigh in and GOOD NEWS

Week 21 weigh is – down exactly 1 pound to 199.2 – back in ONEderland at least!


Week 21 pics


I need a logo made. I tried to do it myself, but nothing came out right.
Anybody out there make logos? This one is so simple, I am sure the person who knows how to do this would have it in 10 minutes.
This is what is should look like…

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